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20. Posted by ¥ß¥å¥¦¥ß¥å¥¦ ºâÉÛ December 25, 2013 08:26
¡ÈAnd why does he drag himself to Muller¡Çs, what is there for him to do there?¡É I wondered, standing still on the opposite side of the street and gazing fixedly at him. A sort of irritable vexation, the result of illness and fatigue, surged up within me. ¡ÈWhat is he thinking about?¡É I went on wondering. ¡ÈWhat is there in his head? But does he still think of anything at all? His face is so dead that it expresses nothing at all. And where could he have picked up that disgusting dog, which never leaves him, as though it were an inseparable part of him, and which is so like him?¡É
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22. Posted by ¥·¥ã¥Í¥ë ºâÉÛ January 05, 2014 09:23
¡ÈYes, yes, you¡Çre right. It¡Çs awful!¡É he answered. ¡ÈI¡Çve thought about it already and grieved over it. But what can we do? You¡Çre right; if only her parents will forgive us! And how I love them ? if you only knew! They¡Çve been like a father and mother to me, and this is how I repay them! Ach, these quarrels, these lawsuits! You can¡Çt imagine how unpleasant all that is now. And what are they quarrelling about! We all love one another so, and yet we¡Çre quarrelling. If only they¡Çd be reconciled and make an end of it! That¡Çs what I¡Çd do in their place. . . . I feel frightened at what you say. Natasha, it¡Çs awful what we¡Çre doing, you and I! I said that before. . . . You insisted on it yourself. . . . But, listen, Ivan Petrovitch, perhaps it will an be for the best, don¡Çt you think? They¡Çll be reconciled, you know, in the end. We shall reconcile them. That is so, there¡Çs no doubt of it. They can¡Çt hold out against our love. . . . Let them curse us; we shall love them all the same, and they can¡Çt hold out. You don¡Çt know what a kind heart my father has sometimes. He only looks ferocious, but at other times he¡Çs most reasonable. If you only knew how gently he talked to me today, persuading me! And I¡Çm going against him today, and that makes me very sad. It¡Çs all these stupid prejudices! It¡Çs simple madness! Why, if he were to take a good look at her, and were to spend only half an hour with her, he would sanction everything at once.¡É
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